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Proptech Buzz

I was catching up with Cameron Paine the other day he’s currently doing some consulting, and he told me about a new company he is advising called Proptech Buzz. The site launched only a couple weeks ago and is a free way for prop tech companies to launch their products and expose them to wider global audience. It’s social platform as well, so you can interact with real founders on the platform. Founded by Ravi Kumar, the process is pretty simple and according to Cameron it doesn’t need to be a new product.

Step 1 is you launch your product. You can include copy, screenshoots and video.
Step 2 you let as many people know about your product
Step 3 people can upvote your product and the highest voted products will see increased exposure

They have promoted over 100 products, have over 1000+ I’m told, and a few prominent VCs. Plus, there are other services than can be provided such as providing/connecting off-shore tech talent. If you looking for a free way to gain exposure for your product give them a try. I’m sure Cameron would also answer any questions you might have.

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