Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

RPR was not on my bingo card

Remember back when the industry freaked out about RPR and how it could be NAR’s play to become a national MLS? I found this article from 2009, that captures the spirt of the day.

Skeptics of RPR Database Voice Worries

“Some skeptics at the conference have even referred to the Realtors® Property Resource database (RPR), as “Reaper” — as in the Grim Reaper — fearing its potential to harm their business.

Because it will not include offers of cooperation and compensation and will only be accessible to NAR members, the database won’t function as a national MLS, NAR says. Not all are ready to take NAR’s word for it.”


Emphasis mine. Sure you would have to be a member of NAR but in a day and age where many people are questioning what being an “MLS” even means … who knows what could happen?

Somewhere Marty Frame is laughing his ass off.

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