Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Is a standards based add/edit actually here? Perchwell and REBNY, say yes.

RESO Add/Edit is Official: 6 Tech Companies Lead the Way

“REBNY and its technology vendor Perchwell were the first companies to be certified for implementing full-listing Add/Edit. NYC brokers and their vendors have their own listing interfaces that integrate with REBNY’s Residential Listing Service (RLS).

Companies like RESO members Lofty, RealPlus and RESoft send their brokers’ listings directly into the Add/Edit-equipped RLS. Allowing brokers to use whichever apps or systems work best for them to update RLS data greatly enhances product choice and competition.”


I’m a bit late to this but, if this can go mainstream it would be huge for the industry.

  1. I’ve been following Perchwell since the CRMLS announcement. I am really excited to be able to test drive Perchwell once CRMLS rolls out the beta testing. I am a data geek so I’m excited to have access to Perchwell’s up-to-the-minute use of MLS data. I run a lot of my own market data statistics by hand to present to clients as a value add. It’s a little tedious to take the time to do that so I’m hoping to have some of those data points accessible at the click of the mouse.

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