Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Paragon Connect [Sponsor]

My thanks again to Paragon Connect for sponsoring Vendor Alley. 

Continuing today is their list of the top 10 topics to review when making the decision on an MLS platform for your members:

How to choose the right MLS platform for you  

The top 10 “must-haves” when considering a front end for your members 

Last time you learned how powerful search options and an easy-to-use mobile app, can help you find the right MLS for your members, now let’s get to the top reason why choosing the right front-end is so important.

  1. Freedom of movement 

Real estate agents are constantly on the go. From paperwork at the office, to showing a home, to staging open houses and broker tours, agents never stand still. So, ask yourself: Can you take your MLS with you and have the same experience no matter where you’re working from? Do you have the same workflows on your desktop as you do on your phone? Or are you using different systems for each location, wasting time training on and learning several pieces of software that weren’t designed to work together. Look for a system that delivers the same seamless experience from one device to the next. 

If you’re looking for an MLS that offers this and so much more, discover Paragon Connect.

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