Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Zillow’s “touring agreement” may be illegal

Virginia Realtors: Zillow’s touring agreement may not be legal

“While many in the industry have been intrigued by Zillow’s new pilot program, Virginia Realtors is taking a tougher stand.

In a notice published on Friday, Virginia Realtors wrote that “upon analysis of this ‘touring agreement’ form, Virginia REALTORS does not believe it is in compliance with the requirements of Virginia law.”

The trade organization also advised members to discuss business practices and any agreements and forms they are going to use with their broker to ensure that they are in compliance with state law.”

Brooklee Han, HousingWire


  1. My immediate impression when I read the agreement was a potential liability for implied agency, at in California. It seemed a little too casual; “Let’s just be friends for a while as I show you some homes and offer you know real estate advice whatsoever”. Lawsuit avoidance is part of the process of be a broker/agent.

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