Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Industry Relations podcast: The Disconnect in Interpretation with Ed Zorn of CRMLS

Are you struggling to understand the NAR settlement agreement and its implications for real estate transactions? Joining us in this thought-provoking episode is Ed Zorn, VP & General Counsel for CRMLS. Rob, Greg, and Ed talk about the disconnect between NAR’s understanding and other lawyers’ interpretations, and what it means for brokers and agents. They dive into topics such as the risk of coordinated action, liability concerns, and the role of MLSs in enforcing rules. 

They also discuss the concessions field in MLS listings and its potential impact on real estate transactions. This episode is packed with valuable insights on how to avoid potential pitfalls and stay compliant in this ever-changing landscape.

Connect with Rob and Greg: 

Rob’s Website

Greg’s Website

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