Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Zillow President, Susan Daimler, speaks out against private listing networks.

Private listing networks harm sellers, buyers, and fair housing

“For the very few people who need maximum privacy over maximum price, there should be options to have a home privately listed. This practice should be the exception, not the rule, because it doesn’t serve the needs of most sellers. And most MLSs do allow sellers to opt out of having their listing online. But for those who believe they are making the decision to list with a private network for any sort of reduced hassle in the form of avoiding showings or timing delays need to understand the clear tradeoff they’re likely making in price and selling speed. “

Exactly. Many proponents of pocket listings argue that it’s about preserving the seller’s freedom to sell however they want. But that’s just a smokescreen. Sellers and buyers currently benefit from a unified marketplace, and dismantling this system would harm them, driven by the greed of larger industry players.

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