Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

Ben Thompson interviews new Zillow CEO Jeremy Wacksman

An Interview with Zillow CEO Jeremy Wacksman About Evolving Strategy

“This week’s Stratechery Interview is with new Zillow CEO Jeremy Wacksman. Wacksman is a long-time Zillow employee, having joined the company in 2009, three years after its founding. We also have a lot in common, including working at Microsoft after an MBA at Kellogg (we went in rather different directions since then!). Wacksman was previously COO of Zillow, and before that was CMO.”

Ben Thompson is the founder of Stratechery, which is one of my favorite technology blogs. Ben had previously interviewed Zillow co-founder and former CEO, Rich Barton. Barton has cited Ben’s writing about Opendoor as one of the reasons Zillow went in to iBuying. I would recommend listening to the interview via the Stratechery podcast. Access might require a subscription, which I highly recommend.

This is a great interview and really covers a lot of subjects including Jeremy’s background, Zillow’s early history, its business model evolution, its launch and then quick exit out of iBuying. But these three sections caught my attention. First is his thoughts his “pitch” on their upcoming “Super App”

Well, give the Super App pitch. What is the overarching strategy, the shift away being an ads business to what you’re doing today?

JW: Yeah, the Super App pitch is that if I could give you a remote control on your phone so that the same way you can order an Uber or book an Airbnb, you could do all of your real estate transaction inside of the Zillow app. You could talk to your loan officer and your agent 24/7 via group chat. You could understand via a pizza tracker where your loan is and are you missing any documents and it could all be in one place.”

I have some thoughts on this I’ll save for a later post.

The other is about the impact of the NAR Settlement.

Give us the overview, you’re the expert.

JW: The two high level changes are both about buyer and seller choice and education.
…..So in both cases, on the seller side, on the buyer side, it’s a more empowered customer, and it’s a more educated customer and we can come back to what we’re doing, we’re leaning into that education. On the buy side, we are innovating a touring agreement, like a dating form because we want to help educate customers before they get married to an agent. Well, what are you going to get into? What should you expect? What should a contract look like? And help them be informed about their choice before they make it, so that’s what changing.”

I like the analogy of a “dating form”.

And lastly on the fate of the MLS.

JW: Our argument is again, we’re here for the customer and there is some real good in this marketplace and you can build a lot of good and we can grow our company really big in a world where there is listing sharing and there are all these benefits and all these things we are doing to grow our company to — you’d move back to a classified business model which isn’t really good for the buyer and the seller. So that’s the big part of why we’re like — but it was this weird argument where we’re talking to investors about like, “Well, yeah, the margin profile of that business might look better, Zillow would probably win more, but we don’t actually think that’s good”, it’s not really good for anyone. It’s definitely not even good for the suppliers who would in theory, enact it.”


When you see it

T3 Sixty will not publish 2024 rankings of brokerages


Looks like non “association owned” MLS orgs are still on the hook

Still running through the docs. One reader tipped me off to this nugget; Check out #8 of NAR FAQ on the settlement:

“8. How does the settlement affect MLSs?

• The agreement would release association-owned MLSs from liability for the types of claims brought in these cases on behalf of home sellers related to broker commissions.

• While the release excludes MLSs that are not wholly owned by REALTOR® associations, the agreement provides a mechanism for those MLSs to obtain releases efficiently if they choose to use it…”


Shades of CIVIX?

NAR settles….

Powerful Realtor Group Agrees to Slash Commissions to Settle Lawsuits

“The settlement includes many significant rule changes. It bans N.A.R. from establishing any sort of rules that would allow a seller’s agent to set compensation for a buyer’s agent, a practice that critics say has long led to “steering,” in which buyers’ agents direct their clients to pricier homes in a bid to collect a bigger commission check. 

And on the online databases used to buy and sell homes, the M.L.S., the settlement requires that any fields displaying broker compensation be eliminated entirely. It also places a blanket ban on the longtime requirement that agents subscribe to multiple listing services in the first place in order to offer or accept compensation for their work.”

Debra Kamin, New York Times

Story is developing. I’ll try and get more details.

Industry Relations Podcast: DOJ Drops Statement of Interest in the Nosalek Case

What impact will the Department of Justice’s stance on the MLS settlement have on the future of buying and selling houses? In this important episode of “Industry Relations,” Rob and Greg talk about a big message from the Department of Justice (DOJ) about the MLS PIN settlement. The DOJ seems to want the court to say no to the settlement. Selling agents might not make as much money as before, and buyers agents might need to show why they’re worth their commission more than ever. It’s time to start thinking about how we can prepare for change and innovate new approaches in serving buyers and seller.

Watch us on YouTube!

Connect with Rob and Greg: 

Rob’s Website

Greg’s Website

Our Sponsors: 

Notorious VIP

This podcast is produced by Two Brothers Creative 2024.

DOJ urges industry to make a clean cut. Wants Buyers to negotiate compensation directly with their agent.

Well we were all speculating whether or not the DOJ would give any clear direction on how they picture compensation to be handled thru the MLS. The DOJ did, and it’s a whooper. Basically they don’t think reducing offers of compensation down to zero matter at all. They want the industry to make a full break from seller setting the buyers agent commission at all. And site “steering” as a concern. So, more like a commercial model. This is something listeners of Industry Relations have heard Rob Hahn echo since the beginning, that steering was the main issue.

In a huge surprise this “Statement of Interest” references the Industry Relations podcast and Rob, myself and Ed Zorn directly,

“Rob Hahn & Greg Robertson interviewing Ed Zorn (VP & General Counsel atCalifornia Regional MLS), Burnett v. NAR: The Lawsuit That Could Upend the Housing Market, Industry Relations (Oct. 18, 2023), starting at 43:40, www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw39NB3w_0o&t=11s (“You do realize under this system (of the seller paying the buyer’s agent directly inside the contract) you do realize a closing statement at a title company or an escrow company looks 100% identical as it does today. With both commissions on the seller side. Nothing changes. The only thing that changes is the number that shows up for the buyer’s agent in that closing statement was negotiated between the buyer directly and the buyer’s agent and had nothing to do with the seller or the listing agent. That’s the one thing that’s different.”


I’m not sure whether to be honored or scared shitless that the DOJ listens to our podcast!

For clarity I’ve embedded the YouTube video so that you can see what the DOJ was referencing on our podcast, I started it a bit earlier so you can get some context ( I also think this is good primer to understand what the DOJ is asking for.)

Rob and I record our Industry Relations podcast today at 10AM. Should be a good.

DOJ objects to MLS PIN settlement, again.

DOJ objects to 2nd settlement bid in MLS PIN commission case

“In a Dec. 18 letter, DOJ attorney Jessica Leal informed Judge Patti Saris of the U.S. District Court in Massachusetts that the agency had conferred with lawyers for the plaintiffs and MLS Property Information Network (MLS PIN) to attempt to address concerns that the deal’s proposed commission rule changes may not go far enough, but wasn’t satisfied with the latest version of the deal.”

Andrea Brambila, Inman News

FFS, just tell us what you want.

Batton down the hatches

Mother of all commission suits filed in Illinois, this time by homebuyers

“The scope of Batton 2 is exponentially larger than Gibson, Sitzer | Burnett, or another, similar case, Moehrl. Both Batton 1 (formerly, Leeder) and Batton 2 seek class certification on behalf of two proposed classes:

  • a “Nationwide Class” made up of “All persons who, since December 1, 1996 through the present, purchased in the United States residential real estate that was listed on an NAR MLS.” For this class, the plaintiffs are asking for injunctive relief, meaning either a court-ordered prohibition or a requirement on the defendants’ behavior.
  • a “Damages Class” made up of “All persons who, since December 1, 1996 through the present, purchased in the Indirect Purchaser States residential real estate that was listed on an NAR MLS.” For this class, the plaintiffs are asking for damages under “antitrust, unfair competition, consumer protection, and unjust enrichment laws.”
Andrea Brambila via Inman News

This is why I drink.

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