Second Largest MLS in Minnesota to Join NorthstarMLS
“SEMR worked with real estate industry consultant Matt Cohen, Clareity Consulting, to help its MLS and Association leadership evaluate strategic options, to research and provide recommendations for addressing concerns, to help educate and collect feedback from broker participants, to engage with NorthstarMLS, and to create a communications plan which will be executed as the MLS operations merge.
“We are pleased to welcome SEMR as a shareholder,” said NorthstarMLS CEO John Mosey. “NorthstarMLS is implementing changes to better accommodate SEMR members’ needs and we expect these will make our service even better for our current customers. We hope that other associations in our multi-state market region can see how committed we are about collaborating to create a more efficient marketplace for our brokers and agents and continue to be open to further dialog on MLS cooperation in any form.”
SEMR serves over 11 counties in Minnesota. Nice win for both groups. Also cool to see a shout out for Matt Cohen in the press release.