Where Real Estate Gets Its Dirt

RIP Richard Simmons

While not the biggest news this past week the passing of Richard Simmons got me a bit nostalgic. I hired Richard Simmons to do a meet and greet at our booth at the 2004 NAR Annual Convention. This was on the heels of the NAR Annual Conference in 2003 where we had hired Fabio. But that’s another story. Fabio was a huge success and drew a huge crowd at the eNeighborhoods booth. So naturally we thought, let’s get another celebrity! After some brain-storming we settled on Richard Simmons. You can see page one of the agreement we did with the company repping him below and an ad we ran in REALTOR Magazine:

He was a lot of fun. I remember him calling our wives for a prank, “Hi Honey, guess who’s with your husband right now?!” He would also record voice mail greetings for our cell phones. “Hi this is Richard Simmons and you’ve reached Shane’s voice mail!”

Another thing I remember was how a lot of conference attendees came up and told stories about how he had motivated them to live a more healthy life. When I saw him having these conversations (sometimes he would pull them aside) you could see something in his eyes…he truly cared. Such a great legacy.


One of the most genuine people I’ve ever known. Beautiful inside and out. An amazing mother. Rest in peace. 🥺

RIP Lin McIntosh

Linda Louise Simmons McIntosh AUGUST 19, 1942 – JANUARY 19, 2024

“Lin had a successful 45-year career in Hawaiian Real Estate. After retirement she volunteered into the Peace Corps and served in Kenya educating Kenyan families on how to develop businesses to provide for themselves and on a water conservation project to bring water to the remote villages. She also participated in building a school in Kenya for children of the Genocide.”


What a life! I have had so much joy following her adventures on Facebook (on her front page you can see her riding a camel)! She stopped posting late last year and I wondered what was up. The obit says she died peacefully. God speed Lin. You will be missed.

Don’t wait

“Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve ever encountered to help me make the big choices in life.

Almost everything–all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure–these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important.

Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.”

-Steve Jobs

Bubbles Up

Via Twitter

The soundtrack to many days spent on the river with friends. Thank you Jimmy.

Inventor of PDF dies

John Warnock, Inventor of the PDF, Dies at 82

“The PDF was the result of Dr. Warnock’s abiding obsession since graduate school: finding a way to ensure that the graphics displayed on one computer — whether words or images — looked the exact same on another computer, or on a page from a printer, regardless of the manufacturer.

“It had been a holy grail in computer science to figure out how to communicate documents,” he said in a 2019 interview with Oxford University.

Clay Risen, reporting for The New York Times

Hard to think of another industry that has benefited from the PDF more than real estate. From forms to CMAs and everything in between. Thank you John.

RIP Lorne Wallace

Lorne C. Wallace, 1962-2023

“A chartered accountant by trade, and the third generation of his family to be involved in real estate, Lorne founded Lone Wolf in 1989. Through a combination of passion, innovation, and sheer will, Lorne grew the company into the leading software provider for the residential real estate industry in North America. His vision for Lone Wolf guides us to this day.”

Lorne was a force of nature. He was an incredibly shrewd and talented businessman. Anyone who has been in this businesss long enough has a few “Lorne stories”, I have a couple myself. While our paths never crossed once W+R Studios was acquired by Lorne’s company, Lone Wolf (he had already left the business and board), I can see everyday the impact he made in people’s live. My greatest sympathies to his family and friends.

RIP Rick Trevino

Too many of these RIP posts lately.

I can’t express the influence MetroList has had on my career. Rick has been a solid part of the winning team at MetroList and it’s hard to imagine him gone. We all raised a glass and gave a toast to him and Frank at our Omni Lobby Bar takeover. He will be missed. #fuckcancer

RIP Frank Major

From Inman News….

Frank Major, trailblazer who carved path as Bright MLS’s first CTO, dies

“It is with great sadness that I share some unexpected news with the real estate community regarding the loss of one of our beloved colleagues,” Donnellan wrote.

“This past Thursday, Bright MLS Chief Technology Officer Frank Major passed away suddenly. Our hearts are with his wife Aisha, their children, and their extended family. Please keep them in your thoughts.”

What a gut punch. So young. Dan and I have had a few great conversations with Frank over the years. My condolences go out to his family.



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